What is the walker arrival procedure when the dog owner is unresponsive? 

When a walker arrives and the owner has instructions to buzz, ring, knock, text or call, and the dog owner is not answering, Spot implements the following procedure to exhaust every possible option in an attempt to gain access to the home/dog:

  1. The walker starts the walk timer if they are not able to get in within a few minutes.
  2. The walker sends the dog owner an in-app message.
  3. The walker and Spot Support each have another thorough read through the entry instructions to make sure we aren't missing something.
  4. The walker tries calling the owner using the emergency contact number listed on the walk page.
  5. The walker sends the dog owner a text message, in case their Spot notifications are turned off and they can't pickup calls at work.
  6. The walker continues trying every 5-10 minutes for the full paid walk time, as often, an owner will respond with enough time for a shortened walk.

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