What is the walker arrival procedure when my doorcode is not working?
When a walker arrives and the doorcode is not working, Spot implements the following procedure to exhaust every possible option in an attempt to gain access to the home/dog:
The walker and Spot Support each have another thorough read through the entry instructions to make sure we aren't missing something.
The walker double checks to make sure they are at the correct address.
Spot Support reads the dog owner’s previous chats in an attempt to find an updated code, backup means of entry, or any tips and tricks specific to the doorcode.
The walker rings the doorbell, knocks, then tries opening the door to see if it’s unlocked.
If there is a number sign, the walker tries the code followed by the number sign. If there is a star button, the walker tries the code followed by the star button. If there is a lock button, the walker tries the code followed by the lock button.
If there is a logo with the word "Schlage" or any other logo that is also a button, the walker tries the code followed by that button.
If there is a keyhole attached to a knob near the top of the unit, the walker enters the code and turns that knob, as the code may unlock the knob portion, which is what must be turned in order to unlock the deadbolt.
If the walker is experiencing flashing, beeping, or some other electrical sensation, the walker will leave the unit alone for 1 full minute, and try all of the above troubleshooting techniques.
The walker tries all of the above troubleshooting techniques while pulling the door towards them, it’s possible the lock is not flush with the door and might be stuck.
If it’s a house, the walker will check to see if there is a back door with a doorcode unit.
The walker starts the walk timer.
The walker sends Spot Support a picture of the doorcode unit for further troubleshooting.
The walker sends the dog owner an in-app message asking whether they have any tips or tricks.
The walker rings the doorbell, knocks, then tries opening the door to see if it’s unlocked.
The walker tries calling the dog owner using the emergency contact number.
The walker sends the dog owner a text message, in case their Spot notifications are turned off and they can't pickup calls at work.
The walker waits for a response from the owner for the full paid walk time, as often, an owner will respond with a solution with enough time for a shortened walk.